EZ-Gro 5-15-5 RTC


EZ-Gro 5-15-5 RTC is a plant biostimulant containing nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium as well as potent growth regulators IBA and NAA. Indole-3 butyric acid (IBA) and napthaleneacetic acid (NAA) are growth-promoting phytohormones known as auxins. Together these compounds stimulate root formation and result in improved rooting percentage, higher number of adventitious roots per cutting and an increased dry weight of roots. Apply EZ-Gro 5-15-5 RTC to significantly enhance your crops roots.

Usage Instructions


• IBA is an endogenous plant hormone that gets converted to IAA to promote the development of adventitious roots
• NAA is a synthetic auxin that leads to root formation when used at low dosages
• Both NAA and IBA are more effective when applied exogenously than IAA as they do not breakdown as rapidly once taken up by the plant
• To further enhance the rooting benefits of these auxins, they may be applied in conjunction with a growth retardant

Usage Directions:

See label for detailed usage directions.